Monday, March 29, 2010

Chalkboard of Doom

Not since Senator Joe McCarthy In a 1950 speech, entered the public spotlight by claiming that communists had "infested" the State Department, while he dramatically waved a sheet of paper which purportedly contained the traitors' names has there been a stage prop used so successfully to agitate and insight people. Glenn Beck is a master at what he does and I admit that at times I find some of what he says to be funny and even thought provoking, but unfortunately far to many people take every word he says as the unquestionable truth. There is a fine line between what you say and knowing when not to say it and although I am a believer in everyones right to freedom of speech I also believe that when you chose to spend your life expressing your opinions you should be aware of the consequences that may result from the content of your statements. A misspoken word or turn of phrase can have terrible results. We try to teach our children to think before they speak but for some reason the concept is lost in adult hood. Sometimes knowing what not to say is far more important than saying everything that comes to mind or in the case of Glenn Beck is drawn on a Chalkboard. 

1 comment:

Christina Rodriguez said...

Awww, you made Glenn Beck look almost cute...